Drama – Society
These are dramas whose major point was to make a statement about society, culture, life in general.
1. Citizen Kane [Welles, Orson, 1941] #5 - US
2. Seventh Seal, The [Bergman, Ingmar, 1956] #29 - Sweden [photo top]
3. Pather Panchali / Apu Trilogy I [Ray, Satyajit, 1955] #32 - India
4. Rules of the Game, The [Renoir, Jean, 1939] #44 - France
5. Umberto D [De Sica, Vittorio, 1952] #53 - Italy
6. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest [Forman, Milos, 1975] #54 - US
7. Tokyo Story [Ozu, Yasujiro, 1953] #57 - Japan
8. Ugetsu [Mizoguchi, Kenji, 1953] #58 - Japan

10. Conformist, The [Bertolucci, Bernardo, 1970] #76 - Italy-France-Germany
11. Greed [von Stroheim, Erich, 1924] #79 - US
12. Au Hasard Balthazar [Bresson, Robert, 1966] #93 - France
13. Grapes of Wrath, The [Ford, John, 1940] #95 - US
14. To Kill a Mockingbird [Mulligan, Robert, 1962] #96 - US
15. Wild Strawberries [Bergman, Ingmar, 1957] #108 - Sweden
16. Ordet [Dreyer, Carl Theodor, 1955] #111 - Denmark
17. Ashes and Diamonds [Wajda, Andrzej, 1958] #114 - Poland
18. Pickpocket [Bresson, Robert, 1959] #125 - France
19. Pierrot le fou [Godard, Jean-Luc, 1965] #129 - France-Italy

21. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles [Akerman, Chantal, 1975] #146 - Belgium-France
22. Broken Blossoms [Griffith, D.W., 1919] #147 - US
23. Woman Under the Influence, A [Cassavetes, John, 1974] #177 - US
24. Ikiru [Kurosawa, Akira, 1952] #198 - Japan
25. L'Âge d'or [Buñuel, Luis, 1930] #217 - France
26. World of Apu, The [Ray, Satyajit, 1959] #218 - India
27. Masculine-Feminine [Godard, Jean-Luc, 1966] #221 - France-Sweden
28. Dekalog [Kieslowski, Krszystof, 1988] #237 - Poland
29. Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom [Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 1975] #240 - Italy
30. Earth [Dovzhenko, Alexander, 1930] #249 - Russia
31. Diary of a Country Priest [Bresson, Robert, 1950] #250 - France
32. Spirit of the Beehive, The [Erice, Victor, 1973] #261 - Spain
33. Leopard, The [Visconti, Luchino, 1963] #269 - Italy
34. Week-End [Godard, Jean-Luc, 1967] #277 - France-Italy
35. All About My Mother [Almodóvar, Pedro, 1999] #288 - Spain-France
36. Aparajito [Ray, Satyajit, 1956] #313 - India
37. Sweet Hereafter, The [Egoyan, Atom, 1997] #319 - Canada
38. Landscape in the Mist [Angelopoulos, Theo, 1988] #321 - Greece-France-Italy
39. Exterminating Angel, The [Buñuel, Luis, 1962] #403 - Mexico
40. Travelling Players, The [Angelopoulos, Theo, 1975] #419 - Greece
41. Last Laugh [Murnau, F.W., 1924] #425 - Germany
42. Death in Venice [Visconti, Luchino, 1971] #433 - Italy
43. Ali: Fear Eats the Soul [Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, 1971] #435 - Germany
44. Music Room, The [Ray, Satyajit, 1958] #438 - India
45. Freaks [Browning, Tod, 1932] #444 - US

47. Germany, Year Zero [Rossellini, Roberto, 1947] #467 - Italy-West Germany
48. Kings of the Road [Wenders, Wim, 1976] #491 - Germany
49. Taste of Cherry, A [Kiarostami, Abbas, 1997] #507 - Iran
50. Wind Will Carry Us, The [Kiarostami, Abbas, 1999] #511 - France-Iran
51. Kes [Loach, Ken, 1969] #526 - UK
52. Sátántangó [Tarr, Bela, 1994] #547 - Hungary-Germany-Switzerland
53. Chelsea Girls [Warhol, Andy, 1967] #564 - US
54. Fellini Satyricon [Fellini, Federico, 1969] #570 - Italy
55. Cloud-Capped Star, The [Ghatak, Ritwik, 1960] #594 - India
56. La Terra Trema [Visconti, Luchino, 1948] #605 - Italy
57. Werckmeister Harmonies [Tarr, Bela & Hranitzky, Agnes, 2000] #613 - Hung-It-Gy-France
58. Moolaadé [Sembene, Ousmane, 2004] #616 - Senegal-France
59. Two-Lane Blacktop [Hellman, Monte, 1971] #629 - US
60. Europa '51 [Rossellini, Roberto, 1952] #636 - Italy
61. Dersu Uzala [Kurosawa, Akira, 1975] #645 - Japan-Russia
62. Three Colours: Red [Kieslowski, Krszystof, 1994] #657 - France-Switzerland-Poland
63. Wild Child, The [Truffaut, François, 1970] #671 - France
64. And Life Goes On [Kiarostami, Abbas, 1991] #700 - Iran
65. Where is the Friend's Home? [Kiarostami, Abbas, 1987] #703 - Iran
66. Hart of London, The [Chambers, Jack, 1970] #713 - Canada
67. Through the Olive Trees [Kiarostami, Abbas, 1994] #740 - Iran
68. Barren Lives [Dos Santos, Nelson Pereira, 1963] #753 - Brazil
69. Ghost World [Zwigoff, Terry, 2001] #755 - US
70. Heaven's Gate [Cimino, Michael, 1980] #812 - US
71. Dead Poets Society [Weir, Peter, 1989] #827 - US
72. Ceddo [Sembene, Ousmane, 1977] #835 - Senegal
73. Short Cuts [Altman, Robert, 1993] #842 - US
74. Marooned in Iraq [Ghobadi, Bahman, 2002] #848 - Iran
75. Yellow Earth [Chen Kaige, 1984] #855 - China
76. Woman in the Dunes [Teshigahara, Hiroshi, 1964] #860 - Japan
77. Fellini's Roma [Fellini, Federico, 1972] #862 - Italy
78. Ten [Kiarostami, Abbas, 2002] #892 - Iran
79. Vagabond (Santoit ni loi) [Varda, Agnès, 1985] #893 - France
80. Sugar Cane Alley (Rue case negres) [Palcy, Euzhan, 1983] #894 - France
81. Limite [Peixoto, Mario, 1931] #900 - Brazil

83. Red Beard [Kurosawa, Akira, 1965] #922 - Japan
84. Le Fils (The Son) [Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc, 2002] #927 - France
85. Days and Nights in the Forest [Ray, Satyajit, 1970] #1064 - India
86. Le Feu Follet [Malle, Louis, 1963] #1107 - France
87. Eternity and a Day [Angelopoulos, Theo, 1998] #1128 - Greece-Fr-It-Ger
88. 3 Women [Altman, Robert, 1977] #1133 - US
89. King of the Children [Chen Kaige, 1987] #1182 - China
90. Tout va bien [Godard, Jean-Luc & Jean-Pierre Gorin, 1972] #1218 - France
91. Man of Marble [Wajda, Andrzej, 1977] #1249 - Poland