The top ranked family dramas from our survey of all the polls on the net. By these, we mean dramas centered around family situations, not G-rated films for the family to enjoy. I'm sure more can be defined as both society and family, or both family and romance, so it's a loose definition. 49 were mentioned, 41 in the top 1000.
1. Quiet Man, The [Ford, John; 1952] #301 -US
2. Cries and Whispers [Bergman, Ingmar; 1972] #308 -Sweden
3. How Green Was My Valley [Ford, John; 1941] #384 -US
4. Secrets & Lies [Leigh, Mike; 1996] #385 -UK
5. Shadows [Cassavetes, John; 1959] #411 -US
6. Lost Weekend, The [Wilder, Billy; 1945] #415 -US
7. Faces [Cassavetes, John; 1968] #422 -US
8. Mother and the Whore, The [Eustache, Jean; 1973] #424 -France
9. 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days [Mungiu, Cristian; 2007] #430 -Romania
10. Late Spring [Ozu, Yasujiro; 1949] #436 -Japan
11. Smiles of a Summer Night [Bergman, Ingmar; 1955] #459 -Sweden
12. Dead, The [Huston, John; 1987] #460 -US
13. Story of the Late Chrysanthemums, The [Mizoguchi, Kenji; 1939] #461 -Japan
14. Mouchette [Bresson, Robert; 1966] #492 -France
15. Make Way for Tomorrow [McCarey, Leo; 1937] #499 -US
16. City of Sadness, A [Hou Hsiao-Hsien; 1989] #510 -Taiwan
17. Providence [Resnais, Alain; 1977] #548 -UK
18. Magnolia [Anderson, Paul Thomas; 1999] #576 -US
19. Alice in the Cities [Wenders, Wim; 1974] #580 -Germany
20. Sacrifice, The [Tarkovsky, Andrei; 1986] #586 -France-Sweden
21. Autumn Afternoon, An [Ozu, Yasujiro; 1962] #592 -Japan
22. Muriel ou Le Temps d'un Retour [Resnais, Alain; 1963] #622 -France-Italy
23. Distant Voices, Still Lives [Davies, Terence; 1988] #648 -UK
24. Silence, The [Bergman, Ingmar; 1963] #650 -Sweden
25. There's Always Tomorrow [Sirk, Douglas; 1956] #689 -US
26. Straight Story, The [Lynch, David; 1999] #746 -US-Fr-UK [photo rt]
27. Time Out [Cantet, Laurent; 2001] #770 -France
28. Away from Her [Polley, Sarah; 2006] #774 -Canada
29. Juliet of the Spirits [Fellini, Federico; 1965] #783 -Italy
30. Nobody Knows [Koreeda, Hirokazu; 2004] #792 -Japan
31. Othello [Welles, Orson; 1952] #797 -Italy
32. Lacombe, Lucien [Malle, Louis; 1974] #882 -France
33. Festen (aka Celebration) [Vinterberg, Thomas; 1998] #886 -Den.-Swe
34. Fallen Idol, The [Reed, Carol; 1948] #889 -UK
35. Not Reconciled [Straub, Jean-Marie; 1965] #899 - W Germany
36. Shame (Skammen) [Bergman, Ingmar; 1968] #913 -Sweden
37. Flight of the Red Balloon, The [Hsiao-hsien Hou; 2007] #946 -China
38. Opening Night [Cassavetes, John; 1977] #990 -US
39. Coeur en hiver, Un [Sautet, Claude; 1992] #996 -France
40. Half Nelson [Fleck, Ryan; 2006] #997 -US
41. Through a Glass Darkly [Bergman, Ingmar; 1961] #1000 -Sweden
42. Floating Weeds [Ozu, Yasujiro; 1959] #1011 -Japan
43. Cul-de-sac [Polanski, Roman; 1996] #1012 -France
44. Cría cuervos [Saura, Carlos; 1976] #1016 -Spain
45. Diary of a Lost Girl [Pabst, G.W.; 1929] #1017 -Germany
46. Les Enfants Terribles [Melville, Jean-Pierre; 1950] #1020 -France
47. Since Otar Left [Bertucelli, Julie; 2003] #1075 -France-Belg
48. Burnt by the Sun [Mikhalkov, Nikita; 1994] #1149 - Russia-Fr
49. Central Station [Salles, Walter; 1998] #1241 -Brazil
1. Quiet Man, The [Ford, John; 1952] #301 -US
2. Cries and Whispers [Bergman, Ingmar; 1972] #308 -Sweden
3. How Green Was My Valley [Ford, John; 1941] #384 -US
4. Secrets & Lies [Leigh, Mike; 1996] #385 -UK
5. Shadows [Cassavetes, John; 1959] #411 -US
6. Lost Weekend, The [Wilder, Billy; 1945] #415 -US
7. Faces [Cassavetes, John; 1968] #422 -US
8. Mother and the Whore, The [Eustache, Jean; 1973] #424 -France
9. 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days [Mungiu, Cristian; 2007] #430 -Romania
10. Late Spring [Ozu, Yasujiro; 1949] #436 -Japan
11. Smiles of a Summer Night [Bergman, Ingmar; 1955] #459 -Sweden
12. Dead, The [Huston, John; 1987] #460 -US
13. Story of the Late Chrysanthemums, The [Mizoguchi, Kenji; 1939] #461 -Japan
14. Mouchette [Bresson, Robert; 1966] #492 -France
15. Make Way for Tomorrow [McCarey, Leo; 1937] #499 -US
16. City of Sadness, A [Hou Hsiao-Hsien; 1989] #510 -Taiwan
17. Providence [Resnais, Alain; 1977] #548 -UK
18. Magnolia [Anderson, Paul Thomas; 1999] #576 -US
19. Alice in the Cities [Wenders, Wim; 1974] #580 -Germany
20. Sacrifice, The [Tarkovsky, Andrei; 1986] #586 -France-Sweden
21. Autumn Afternoon, An [Ozu, Yasujiro; 1962] #592 -Japan
22. Muriel ou Le Temps d'un Retour [Resnais, Alain; 1963] #622 -France-Italy
23. Distant Voices, Still Lives [Davies, Terence; 1988] #648 -UK
24. Silence, The [Bergman, Ingmar; 1963] #650 -Sweden
25. There's Always Tomorrow [Sirk, Douglas; 1956] #689 -US

27. Time Out [Cantet, Laurent; 2001] #770 -France
28. Away from Her [Polley, Sarah; 2006] #774 -Canada
29. Juliet of the Spirits [Fellini, Federico; 1965] #783 -Italy
30. Nobody Knows [Koreeda, Hirokazu; 2004] #792 -Japan
31. Othello [Welles, Orson; 1952] #797 -Italy
32. Lacombe, Lucien [Malle, Louis; 1974] #882 -France
33. Festen (aka Celebration) [Vinterberg, Thomas; 1998] #886 -Den.-Swe
34. Fallen Idol, The [Reed, Carol; 1948] #889 -UK
35. Not Reconciled [Straub, Jean-Marie; 1965] #899 - W Germany
36. Shame (Skammen) [Bergman, Ingmar; 1968] #913 -Sweden
37. Flight of the Red Balloon, The [Hsiao-hsien Hou; 2007] #946 -China
38. Opening Night [Cassavetes, John; 1977] #990 -US
39. Coeur en hiver, Un [Sautet, Claude; 1992] #996 -France
40. Half Nelson [Fleck, Ryan; 2006] #997 -US
41. Through a Glass Darkly [Bergman, Ingmar; 1961] #1000 -Sweden
42. Floating Weeds [Ozu, Yasujiro; 1959] #1011 -Japan
43. Cul-de-sac [Polanski, Roman; 1996] #1012 -France
44. Cría cuervos [Saura, Carlos; 1976] #1016 -Spain
45. Diary of a Lost Girl [Pabst, G.W.; 1929] #1017 -Germany
46. Les Enfants Terribles [Melville, Jean-Pierre; 1950] #1020 -France
47. Since Otar Left [Bertucelli, Julie; 2003] #1075 -France-Belg
48. Burnt by the Sun [Mikhalkov, Nikita; 1994] #1149 - Russia-Fr
49. Central Station [Salles, Walter; 1998] #1241 -Brazil

Ironically my favorite film on this list is the last one, Central Station, a touching and poignant tale from Brazilian director Walter Salles (The Motorcycle Diaries); his best works are inspiring but not sentimental, a rare talent. Each of these has desevedly won numerous international awards.