© 2009, William L. Sinclair
1. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb [Kubrick, Stanley, 1964, UK] #17 (photo rt)

3. Schindler's List [Spielberg, Steven, 1993, US] #27
4. Lawrence of Arabia [Lean, David, 1962, UK] #50 (photo top)
5. Paths of Glory [Kubrick, Stanley, 1957, US] #83
6. Bridge on the River Kwai, The [Lean, David, 1957, UK] #85
7. Ran [Kurosawa, Akira, 1985, France-Japan] #86
8. Best Years of Our Lives, The [Wyler, William, 1946, US] #102
9. Deer Hunter, The [Cimino, Michael, 1978, US] #110
10. Saving Private Ryan [Spielberg, Steven, 1998, US] #116
11. Shoah [Lanzmann, Claude, 1985, France] #119
12. Battle of Algiers, The [Pontecorvo, Gillo, 1966, Italy-Algiers] #132
13. Great Dictator, The [Chaplin, Charles, 1940, US] #138
14. Man Escaped, A [Bresson, Robert, 1956, France] #151
15. All Quiet on the Western Front [Milestone, Lewis, 1930, US] #165
16. Paisan [Rossellini, Roberto, 1946, Italy] #167
17. Spartacus [Kubrick, Stanley, 1960, US] #178
18. La Grande Illusion [Renoir, Jean, 1937, France] #199

20. Full Metal Jacket [Kubrick, Stanley, 1987, US] #207
21. Napoléon [Gance, Abel, 1927, France] #232
22. Das Boot [Peterson, Wolfgang, 1981, Germany] #245
23. Throne of Blood [Kurosawa, Akira, 1957, Japan] #258
24. Army of Shadows [Melville, Jean-Pierre, 1969, France-Italy] #296
25. Great Escape, The [Sturges, John, 1963, US] #299
26. Forbidden Games [Clément, René, 1951, France] #307
27. Hotaru no Hakaa (Grave of the Fireflies, anime) [Takahata, Isao, 1988, Japan] #324
28. Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, The [Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger, 1943, UK] #334
29. Letters from Iwo Jima [Eastwood, Clint, 2006, US] #339
30. Alexander Nevsky [Eisenstein, Sergei, 1938, USSR] #374
31. Mirror, The [Tarkovsky, Andrei, 1976, Russia] #382
32. M*A*S*H [Altman, Robert, 1970, US] #389
33. Rome, Open City [Rossellini, Roberto, 1945, Italy] #392
34. Platoon [Stone, Oliver, 1986, US] #397
35. Doctor Zhivago [Lean, David, 1965, US] #401
36. Beau Travail [Denis, Claire, 1998, France] #402
37. Chimes at Midnight [Welles, Orson, 1966, Spain-Switzerland] #405
38. Reds [Beatty, Warren, 1981, US] #429
39. Triumph of the Will [Riefenstahl, Leni, 1935, Germany] #455
40. Night and Fog [Resnais, Alain, 1955, France] #457
41. Downfall [Hirschbiegel, Oliver, 2004, Germany] #484
42. Life is Beautiful [Begnini, Roberto, 1997, Italy] #494
43. English Patient, The [Minghella, Anthony, 1996, UK] #502
44. Canterbury Tale, A [Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger, 1944, UK] #537
45. Come and See [Klimov, Elem, 1985, Russia] #559
46. Listen to Britain [Jennings, Humphrey, 1941, UK] #563
47. Judgment at Nuremberg [Kramer, Stanley, 1961, US] #582
48. They Were Expendable [Ford, John, 1945, US] #596
49. Waltz with Bashir [Folman, Ari, 2008, Israel] #633
50. Stalag 17 [Wilder, Billy, 1953, US] #683
51. Persepolis [Paronnaud, Vincent & Satrapi, Marjane, 2007, France-US] #694
52. Hour of the Furnaces, The [Getino, Octavio & Fernando E. Solanas, 1968, Argentina] #721
53. Hurt Locker, The [Bigelow, Kathryn, 2008, US] #725
54. Damned, The [Visconti, Luchino, 1969, Italy-West Germany] #729
55. No End in Sight [Ferguson, Charles, 2007, US] #731
56. Ivan's Childhood [Tarkovsky, Andrei, 1962, Russia] #744
57. Kagemusha [Kurosawa, Akira, 1980, Japan] #756
58. Hôtel Terminus [Ophüls, Marcel, 1988, US] #760
59. Overlord [Cooper, Stuart, 1975, UK] #764
60. Thin Red Line, The [Malick, Terrence, 1998, US] #778
61. Glory [Zwick, Edward, 1989, US] #788
62. Fires Were Started [Jennings, Humphrey, 1943, UK] #801
63. Outskirts (Okraina) [Barnet, Boris, 1933, USSR] #804
64. Anatahan [von Sternberg, Josef, 1953, Japan] #807
65. Big Parade, The [Vidor, King, 1925, US] #808
66. Fog of War, The [Morris, Errol, 2003, US] #809
67. Fateless [Koltai, Lajos, 2005, Hungary-GY] #825
68. Hitler: A Film from Germany [Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen, 1977, West Germany] #858
69. Hidden Fortress, The [Kurosawa, Akira, 1958, Japan] #863
70. Round-Up, The (Szegénylegények) [Jancsó, Miklós, 1966, Hungary] #891
71. Seraphine [Provost, Martin, 2008, France-Belg] #896
72. Seven Women [Ford, John, 1966, US] #897
73. Europa [von Trier, Lars, 1991, Denmark] #932
74. Turtles Can Fly [Ghobadi, Bahman, 2004, Iran-Fr-Iraq] #983
75. End of St. Petersburg, The [Pudovkin, Vsevolod, 1927, USSR] #1019
76. Alexander [Stone, Oliver, 2004, US] #1042
77. Burmese Harp [Ichikawa, Kon, 1956, Japan] #1044
78. Paragraph 175 [Epstein, Rob & Friedman, Jeffrey, 2000, UK-US-Germany] #1066

80. Au Revoir, Les Enfants [Malle, Louis, 1987, France] #1086
81. Big Red One, The [Fuller, Samuel, 1980, US] #1134
82. Harakiri [Kobayashi, Masaki, 1962, Japan] #1140
83. Killing Fields [Joffé, Roland, 1984, US] #1141
84. Wings of Eagles, The [Ford, John, 1957, US] #1174
85. And the Ship Sails On [Fellini, Federico, 1983, Italy] #1178
86. Lessons of Darkness [Herzog, Werner, 1992, Germany] #1191
87. Arsenal [Dovzhenko, Alexander, 1928, USSR] #1205
88. Red and White [Jancsó, Miklós, 1967, Hungary-USSR] #1222
89. Empire of the Sun [Spielberg, Steven, 1987, US] #1235
90. Duellists, The [Scott, Ridley, 1977, UK] #1262
91. Kanal [Wajda, Andrzej, 1957, Poland] #1271
92. Time to Love and a Time to Die, A [Sirk, Douglas, 1958, US] #1276
Note: if you consider The Seven Samurai to be a war film, that would be #1 here (#7 overall); it's listed as action adventure at IMDB. To me, 'action' is not a genre, you can have action within war, crime, adventure, science fiction, even comedy (Ghostbusters) films - any if you think about it. At any rate, I'll save Seven Samurai for my adventure films post.