Top Ranked Crime Films

2. Chinatown [Polanski, Roman, 1974] #3 - US
3. Vertigo [Hitchcock, Alfred, 1958] #6 - US
4. The Godfather: Part II [Coppola, Francis, 1974] #9 - US 5. M [Lang, Fritz, 1931] #11 - Germany
6. Taxi Driver [Scorsese, Martin, 1976] #12 - US
7. Sunset Boulevard [Wilder, Billy, 1950] #14 - US
8. Third Man, The [Reed, Carol, 1948] #15 - UK [photo below rt]
9. Bicycle Thief, The [De Sica, Vittorio, 1949] #16 - Italy
10. North by Northwest [Hitchcock, Alfred, 1959] #19 - US
11. Pulp Fiction [Tarantino, Quentin, 1995] #20 - US
12. Rashomon [Kurosawa, Akira, 1950] #22 - Japan
13. Touch of Evil [Welles, Orson, 1958] #30 - US
14. Goodfellas [Scorsese, Martin, 1990] #31 - US

15. Night of The Hunter, The [Laughton, Charles, 1955] #35 - US [photo btm]
16. Notorious [Hitchcock, Alfred, 1946] #42 - US
17. Manchurian Candidate, The [Frankenheimer, John, 1962] #43 - US
18. L.A. Confidential [Hanson, Curtis, 1997] #45 - US
19. Rear Window [Hitchcock, Alfred, 1954] #52 - US
20. Double Indemnity [Wilder, Billy, 1944] #56 - US
21. 400 Blows, The [Truffaut, François, 1959] #60 - France
22. Fargo [Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen, 1996] #61 - US
23. On the Waterfront [Kazan, Elia, 1954] #67 - US
24. Maltese Falcon, The [Huston, John, 1941] #71 - US
25. Conformist, The [Bertolucci, Bernardo, 1970] #76 - Italy-France-Germany
26. The Silence of the Lambs [Demme, Jonathan, 1991] #90 - US
27. Shadow of a Doubt [Hitchcock, Alfred, 1943] #104 - US
28. Bonnie and Clyde [Penn, Arthur, 1967] #105 - US
29. Do The Right Thing [Lee, Spike, 1989] #112 - US
30. Casino [Scorsese, Martin, 1995] #115 - US
31. The Conversation [Coppola, Francis, 1974] #120 - US [Grand Prize, Cannes]
32. Strangers on a Train [Hitchcock, Alfred, 1951] #121 - US
33. Big Sleep, The [Hawks, Howard, 1946] #123 - US
34. 12 Angry Men [Lumet, Sidney, 1957] #124 - US
35. Wages of Fear, The [Clouzot, Henri-Georges, 1952] #134 - France-Italy
36. Nights of Cabiria [Fellini, Federico, 1957] #136 - Italy-France
37. American Beauty [Mendes, Sam, 1999] #139 - US
38. Mean Streets [Scorsese, Martin, 1973] #142 - US
39. Hustler, The [Rossen, Robert, 1961] #153 - US
40. Shawshank Redemption, The [Darabont, Frank, 1994] #155 - US

42. Once Upon a Time in America [Leone, Sergio, 1984] #162 - US
43. Lives of Others, The [von Donnersmarck, Florian Henckel, 2006] #163 - Germany
44. Diaboliques, Les [Clouzot, Henri-Georges, 1955] #164 - France
45. No Country for Old Men [Coen Ethan and Joel, 2007] #166 - US
46. Laura [Preminger, Otto, 1944] #169 - US
47. Usual Suspects, The [Singer, Bryan, 1995] #170 - US
48. Yojimbo [Kurosawa, Akira, 1961] #172 - Japan
49. Dog Day Afternoon [Lumet, Sidney, 1975] #175 - US
50. Breathless [Godard, Jean-Luc, 1959] #179 - France
51. There Will Be Blood [Anderson, Paul Thomas, 2007] #181 - US
52. Easy Rider [Hopper, Dennis, 1969] #191 - US
53. City of God [Meirelles, Fernando, 2002] #192 - Brazil-Germany-France
54. Reservoir Dogs [Tarantino, Quentin, 1991] #201 - US
55. Performance [Roeg, Nicolas/Donald Cammell, 1970] #202 - UK
56. Thelma & Louise [Scott, Ridley, 1991] #208 - US
57. Scarface [De Palma, Brian, 1982] #211 - US
58. Heat [Mann, Michael, 1995] #229 - US
59. Blue Velvet [Lynch, David, 1986] #231 - US
60. Slumdog Millionaire [Boyle, Danny, 2008] #234 - US
61. Out of the Past [Tourneur, Jacques, 1947] #238 - US
62. Rocco and His Brothers [Visconti, Luchino, 1964] #239 - Italy-France
63. Die Hard [McTiernan, John, 1988] #243 - US
64. Blow-Up [Antonioni, Michelangelo, 1966] #244 - Italy-UK
65. Le Jour se lève [Carné, Marcel, 1939] #255 - France
66. Badlands [Malick, Terrence, 1973] #271 - US
67. Fight Club [Fincher, David, 1999] #275 - US-Germany
68. Rebel Without a Cause [Ray, Nicholas, 1955] #285 - US
69. The Departed [Scorsese, Martin, 2007] #292 - US
70. Midnight Cowboy [Schlesinger, John, 1969] #294 - US
71. Lady Vanishes, The [Hitchcock, Alfred, 1938] #295 - UK
72. Anatomy of a Murder [Preminger, Otto, 1959] #297 - US
73. Don't Look Now [Roeg, Nicolas, 1973] #306 - UK
74. Deliverance [Boorman, John, 1972] #314 - US
75. In the Heat of the Night [Jewison, Norman, 1967] #325 - US
76. White Heat [Walsh, Raoul, 1949] #327 - US
77. Killing, The [Kubrick, Stanley, 1956] #329 - US
78. Player, The [Altman, Robert, 1992] #338 - US
79. Kiss Me Deadly [Aldrich, Robert, 1955] #341 - US
80. 39 Steps, The [Hitchcock, Alfred, 1935] #346 - UK
81. Boogie Nights [Anderson, Paul Thomas, 1997] #349 - US
82. Asphalt Jungle, The [Huston, John, 1950] #350 - US
83. Dead Ringers [Cronenberg, David, 1988] #355 - Canada
84. Le Samouraï [Melville, Jean-Pierre, 1967] #358 - France
85. Trainspotting [Boyle, Danny, 1995] #360 - UK

87. In a Lonely Place [Ray, Nicholas, 1950] #366 - US
88. Peeping Tom [Powell, Michael, 1960] #368 - UK
89. Los Olvidados [Buñuel, Luis, 1950] #371 - Mexico
90. Band of Outsiders [Godard, Jean-Luc, 1964] #375 - France
91. King of Comedy, The [Scorsese, Martin, 1982] #377 - US
92. Paris, Texas [Wenders, Wim, 1984] #390 - US
93. Shoot the Piano Player [Truffaut, François, 1960] #393 - France
94. Cool Hand Luke [Rosenberg, Stuart, 1967] #399 - US
95. To Have and Have Not [Hawks, Howard, 1944] #410 - US
96. Crying Game, The [Jordan, Neil, 1992] #414 - UK
97. Se7en [Fincher, David, 1995] #420 - US
98. Léon [Besson, Luc, 1994] #421 - France
99. American History X [Kaye, Tony, 1998] #428 - US
100. Place in the Sun, A [Stevens, George, 1951] #431 - US
101. All the President's Men [Pakula, Alan J., 1972] #432 - US
102. Scarface [Hawks, Howard, 1932] #440 - US
103. The French Connection [Friedkin, William, 1971] #441 - US
104. L'Argent [Bresson, Robert, 1983] #442 - France-Switzerland

106. Big Heat, The [Lang, Fritz, 1953] #466 - US
107. Crime of Monsieur Lange, The [Renoir, Jean, 1936] #469 - France
108. Point Blank [Boorman, John, 1967] #473 - US
109. Gran Torino [Eastwood, Clint, 2008] #474 - US
110. Mulholland Dr. [Lynch, David, 2001] #477 - France-US
111. Odd Man Out [Reed, Carol, 1947] #478 - UK
112. Dr. Mabuse, The Gambler [Lang, Fritz, 1922] #487 - Germany
113. Amores perros [Inarritu, Alejandro Gonzalez, 2000] #489 - Mexico
114. Atlantic City [Malle, Louis, 1980] #490 - Canada-France
115. Detour [Ulmer, Edgar G., 1945] #493 - US
116. Salvatore Giuliano [Rosi, Francesco, 1961] #495 - Italy
117. Sin City [Rodgriguez, Robert, 2005] #503 - US
118. Rope [Hitchcock, Alfred, 1948] #505 - US
119. High and Low [Kurosawa, Akira, 1963] #515 - Japan
120. Green Mile, The [Darabont, Frank, 1999] #528 - US

122. Casque d'or [Becker, Jacques, 1952] #543 - France
123. Long Goodbye, The [Altman, Robert, 1973] #544 - US 124. Dirty Harry [Siegel, Don, 1971] #546 - US
125. Accattone [Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 1961] #551 - Italy
126. Witness for the Prosecution [Wilder, Billy, 1957] #558 - US
127. Killing of a Chinese Bookie, The [Cassavetes, John, 1976] #567 - US
128. Gun Crazy (Deadly is the Female) [Lewis, Joseph H., 1950] #583 - US
129. Reversal of Fortune [Schroeder, Barbet, 1990] #587 - US
130. Ace in the Hole [Wilder, Billy, 1951] #604 - US
131. Le Boucher [Chabrol, Claude, 1970] #611 - France
132. Mystic River [Eastwood, Clint, 2003] #612 - US [photo rt]

134. Foolish Wives [von Stroheim, Erich, 1922] #634 - US
135. Blow Out [De Palma, Brian, 1981] #646 - US
136. Sleuth [Mankiewicz, Joseph L., 1972] #647 - US
137. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels [Ritchie, Guy, 1998] #672 - UK
138. JFK [Stone, Oliver, 1991] #690 - US
139. Ossessione [Visconti, Luchino, 1943] #696 - Italy
140. Dial M for Murder [Hitchcock, Alfred, 1954] #701 - US
141. Fox and His Friends [Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, 1975] #708 - Germany
142. In Bruges [McDonagh, Martin, 2008] #709 - UK
143. Killer, The [Woo, John, 1989] #710 - Hong Kong
144. Pépé le Moko [Duvivier, Julien, 1937] #719 - France
145. Picnic at Hanging Rock [Weir, Peter, 1975] #732 - Australia
146. Changeling [Eastwood, Clint, 2008] #739 - US
147. Crash [Haggis, Paul, 2004] #752 - US
148. Capote [Miller, Bennett, 2005] #761 - Canada-Us
149. Bob le flambeur [Melville, Jean-Pierre, 1956] #767 - France
150. Time of the Gypsies [Kusturica, Emir, 1988] #769 - Yugoslavia
151. Woman in the Window, The [Lang, Fritz, 1944] #775 - US
152. Get Carter [Hodges, Mike, 1971] #777 - UK
153. They Live by Night [Ray, Nicholas, 1948] #785 - US
154. L'Enfant (The Child) [Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc, 2005] #795 - France
155. Traffic [Soderbergh, Steve, 2000] #798 - US [four Oscars, incl director]
156. Gomorra [Garrone, Matteo, 2008] #806 - Italy
157. Quiz Show [Redford, Robert, 1994] #811 - US
158. Fat City [Huston, John, 1972] #819 - US
159. Hana-Bi [Kitano, Takeshi, 1997] #820 - Japan
160. Maria Full of Grace [Marston, Joshua, 2004] #821 - Columbia-US
161. I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang [LeRoy, Mervyn, 1932] #830 - US
162. Short Film About Killing, A [Kieslowski, Krszystof, 1988] #845 - Poland
163. Verdict, The [Lumet, Sidney, 1982] #849 - US
164. 47 Ronin, The [Mizoguchi, Kenji, 1962] #869 - Japan
165. You Only Live Once [Lang, Fritz, 1937] #870 - US
166. Boys Don't Cry [Pierce, Kimberly, 1999] #877 - US
167. Bad Timing [Roeg, Nicolas, 1980] #881 - UK
168. Safe [Haynes, Todd, 1995] #885 - US
169. Z [Costa-Gavras, Constantin, 1969] #903 - France
170. Straw Dogs [Peckinpah, Sam, 1971] #906 - US
171. Witness [Weir, Peter, 1985] #907 - US
172. Grifters, The [Frears, Stephen, 1990] #917 - US
173. Informer, The [Ford, John, 1935] #918 - US [four Oscars, incl actor, director]
174. Down by Law [Jarmusch, Jim, 1986] #931 - US
175. Branded to Kill [Suzuki, Seijun, 1967] #934 - Japan
176. Port of Shadows [Carné, Marcel, 1938] #936 - France
177. Fugitive, The [Davis, Andrew, 1993] #937 - US
178. Le Trou [Becker, Jacques, 1960] #938 - France-Italy
179. Murder by Contract [Lerner, Irving, 1958] #945 - US
180. Assault on Precinct 13 [Carpenter, John, 1976] #947 - US
181. Black Sunday [Bava, Mario, 1977] #950 - Italy
182. While the City Sleeps [Lang, Fritz, 1956] #951 - US
183. Public Enemy [Wellman, William A., 1931] #952 - US
184. Reckless Moment, The [Ophüls, Max, 1949] #953 - US
185. Il Bidone [Fellini, Federico, 1955] #954 - Italy
186. Red Circle, The [Melville, Jean-Pierre, 1970] #956 - France-Italy
187. Edge of Heaven, The [Akin, Fatih, 2007] #965 - Gy-Tky-Italy
188. Thin Blue Line, The [Morris, Errol, 1988] #979 - US

190. La Bête humaine [Renoir, Jean, 1938] #989 - France
191. Miller's Crossing [Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen, 1990] #993 - US
192. Beyond a Reasonable Doubt [Lang, Fritz, 1956] #1005 - US
193. Last Letter, The [Gannon, Russell, 2004] #1006 - US
194. Last Seduction, The [Dahl, John, 1993] #1018 - US
195. Shanghai Gesture, The [von Sternberg, Josef, 1941] #1024 - US
196. American Friend, The [Wenders, Wim, 1977] #1025 - Germany-France
197. Wrong Man, The [Hitchcock, Alfred, 1956] #1026 - US
198. Duel [Spielberg, Steven, 1971] #1030 - US
199. Forbidden Lie$ [Broinowski, Anna, 2007] #1031 - Australia
200. Klute [Pakula, Alan J., 1971] #1037 - US
201. Sonatine [Kitano, Takeshi, 1993] #1067 - Japan
202. Lone Star [Sayles, John, 1996] #1074 - US
203. Sling Blade [Thornton, Billy Bob, 1996] #1081 - US
204. Docks of New York, The [von Sternberg, Josef, 1928] #1097 - US
205. Fury [Lang, Fritz, 1936] #1103 - US
206. Plein soleil (Purple Noon) [Clément, René, 1960] #1119 - France
207. La Femme Infidèle [Chabrol, Claude, 1969] #1122 - France
208. Touki Bouki [Mambéty, Djibril Diop, 1973] #1124 - Senegal
209. Judex [Franju, Georges, 1963] #1126 - France-Italy
210. Getaway, The [Peckinpah, Sam, 1972] #1129 - US
211. Rocker [Lemke, Klaus, 1972] #1130 - Germany
212. Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, The [Greenaway, Peter, 1989] #1131 - UK
213. Night Moves [Penn, Arthur, 1975] #1137 - US

215. Virgin Spring, The [Bergman, Ingmar, 1960] #1155 - Sweden
216. Force of Evil [Polonsky, Abraham, 1948] #1160 - US
217. Killers [Siodmak, Robert, 1946] #1163 - US
218. Leave Her to Heaven [Stahl, John M., 1945] #1165 - US
219. Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz, The [Buñuel, Luis, 1955] #1175 - Mexico
220. Little Caesar [LeRoy, Mervyn, 1931] #1180 - US
221. Variety [Dupont, E.A., 1925] #1184 - Germany
222. Cutter's Way [Passer, Ivan, 1981] #1190 - US
223. Second Breath [Melville, Jean-Pierre, 1966] #1195 - France
224. Spione [Lang, Fritz, 1928] #1208 - Germany
225. Moonrise [Borzage, Frank, 1948] #1215 - US
226. Scarlet Street [Lang, Fritz, 1945] #1223 - US
227. Accident [Losey, Joseph, 1967] #1229 - UK
228. Pixote [Babenco, Hector, 1981] #1238 - Brazil
229. Blast of Silence [Baron, Allen, 1961] #1239 - US
230. Defiant Ones [Kramer, Stanley, 1958] #1240 - US
231. Angel Face [Preminger, Otto, 1952] #1254 - US
232. Rififi [Dassin, Jules, 1955] #1260 - France
Oscar-winning actor Charles Laughton's only direction, Night of the Hunter, a brilliantly chilling noir in which Robert Mitchum terrorizes a family, as a preacher with 'love' and 'hate' tattoed on his fingers; ranked 35th on our internet survey of all film polls. Note the religious imagery in the composition above, in which the lighting forms an imaginary church.
I would add:
The Yakuza, Inside Man, The Thief, The Long Good Friday, Blood Simple, Gangs of New York, Another Country, Diva, Run Lola Run, La Femme Nikita, Citizen X
Note: the post just after this one has just the foreign crime films, 61 total