Friday, March 25, 2011

Jonnny Depp Is Rango

Dated released : MARCH 4, 2011
Quality : DVD HI-DeF
Info : IMDbPro
Genre : Animation / Action
Cast : Johnny Depp as Rango, a chameleon , Isla Fisher as Beans, a desert iguana , Abigail Breslin as Priscilla, a cactus mouse , Alfred Molina as Roadkill, an armadillo , Bill Nighy as Rattlesnake Jake, a rattlesnake , Harry Dean Stanton as Balthazar, a mole , Ray Winstone as Bad Bill, a gila monster , Timothy Olyphant as the Spirit of the West , Ned Beatty as Tortoise John, Mayor of Dirt, a desert tortoise , Stephen Root as: Doc, a rabbit Merrimack; Mister Snuggles , Maile Flanagan as Lucky , Ian Abercrombie as Ambrose , Gil Birmingham as Wounded Bird , James Ward Byrkit as Waffles Gordy Papa; Joad; Cousin Murt; Curlie knife attacker; Rodent Kid , Claudia Black as Angelique, a fox , Blake Clark as Buford , John Cothran, Jr. as Elgin , Patrika Darbo as Delilah Maybelle , George
Señor Flan the
Accordian Player ,
Charles Fleischer
as Elbows , Beth Grant as Bonnie , Ryan Hurst as Jedidiah , Vincent Kartheiser as: Ezekiel; Lasso rodent , Hemky Madera as Chorizo , Alex Manugian as Spoons , Mark McCreery as Parsons , Joe Nunez as Rock-Eye , Chris Parson as Hazel Moats; Kinski; Stump; Clinker; Lenny; Boseefus; Dirt Kid , Lew Temple as Furgus Hitch , Alanna Ubach as Boo Cletus Fresca Miss Daisy , Gore Verbinski as Sergeant Turley; Crevice Slim Lupe the Violin Player , Kym Whitley as Melonee , Keith Campbell as Sod Buster .