The top-ranked films of the 90's
© 2009, William L. Sinclair
This continues our series of top-ranked films by year, based on the Top Ranked 1000 Films on the Net that we compiled.
Total Ranked Films in the 90's: 110
- [ 1990 ] -
1. Goodfellas #31 - Scorsese, Martin (photo rt)

3. Reversal of Fortune #587 - Schroeder, Barbet
4. Angel at My Table, An #738 - Campion, Jane
5. Edward Scissorhands #843 - Burton, Tim
6. Grifters, The #922 - Frears, Stephen
7. Ju Dou #963 - Zhang Yimou
8. Miller's Crossing #999 - Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen
Best Picture: Dances With Wolves
- [ 1991 ] -
1. Silence of the Lambs, The #90 - Demme, Jonathan (photo rt)

2. Terminator 2: Judgment Day #194 - Cameron, James
3. Reservoir Dogs #200 - Tarantino, Quentin
4. Thelma & Louise #207 - Scott, Ridley
5. Raise the Red Lantern #299 - Zhang Yimou
6. Double Life of Veronique, The #412 - Kieslowski, Krszystof
7. JFK #689 - Stone, Oliver
8. And Life Goes On #699 - Kiarostami, Abbas
9. Brighter Summer Day, A #722 - Yang, Edward
10. Barton Fink #735 - Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen
11. Van Gogh #769 - Pialat, Maurice
12. La Belle Noiseuse #783 - Rivette, Jacques
13. Amants du Pont-Neuf, Les #856 - Carax, Lèos
14. Europa #937 - von Trier, Lars
15. Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film #947 - Workman, Chuck
Best Picture: The Silence of the Lambs
- [ 1992 ] -
1. Unforgiven #91 - Eastwood, Clint (photo rt)

3. Crying Game, The #408 - Jordan, Neil
4. Howards End #816 - Ivory, James
5. Orlando #915 - Potter, Sally
6. Coeur en hiver, Un #1002 - Sautet, Claude
Best Picture: Unforgiven
- [ 1993 ] -
1. Schindler's List #27 - Spielberg, Steven (photo top)
2. Piano, The #81 - Campion, Jane
3. Groundhog Day #182 - Ramis, Harold
4. Farewell, My Concubine #452 - Chen Kaige
5. Age of Innocence, The #632 - Scorsese, Martin
6. Three Colours: Blue #655 - Kieslowski, Krszystof
7. Puppetmaster, The #821 - Hou Hsiao-Hsien
8. Short Cuts #846 - Altman, Robert
9. Naked #876 - Leigh, Mike
10. Fugitive, The #942 - Davis, Andrew
11. Dazed and Confused #988 - Linklater, Richard
Best Picture: Schindler's List
- [ 1994 ] -

2. Forrest Gump #205 - Zemeckis, Robert
3. Léon (The Professional) #416 - Besson, Luc
4. Chungking Express #533 - Wong Kar-Wai
5. Sátántangó #547 - Tarr, Béla
6. Crumb #610 - Zwigoff, Terry
7. Lion King, The #631 - Allers, Roger & Minkoff, Robert
8. Three Colours: Red #657 - Kieslowski, Krszystof
9. Ed Wood #723 - Burton, Tim
10. Through the Olive Trees #740 - Kiarostami, Abbas
11. Little Women #801 - Armstrong, Gillian
12. Quiz Show #814 - Redford, Robert
13. Three Colours: White #965 - Kieslowski, Krszystof
Best Picture: Forrest Gump
- [ 1995 ] -

2. Toy Story #82 - Lasseter, John
3. Casino #115 - Scorsese, Martin
4. Usual Suspects, The #169 - Singer, Bryan
5. Heat #227 - Mann, Michael
6. Trainspotting #354 - Boyle, Danny
7. Se7en #414 - Fincher, David
8. Braveheart #508 - Gibson, Mel
9. Dead Man #637 - Jarmusch, Jim
10. Twelve Monkeys #670 - Gilliam, Terry
11. Underground #758 - Kusturica, Emir
12. To Die For #858 - Van Sant, Gus
13. Safe #889 - Haynes, Todd
Best Picture: Braveheart
- [ 1996 ] -

2. Secrets & Lies #377 - Leigh, Mike
3. Breaking the Waves #445 - von Trier, Lars
4. English Patient, The #501 - Minghella, Anthony
5. Shine #574 - Hicks, Scott
6. Moment of Innocence, A #607 - Makhmalbaf, Mohsen
7. Crash #993 - Cronenberg, David
Best Picture: English Patient, The
- [ 1997 ] -

2. Sweet Hereafter, The #315 - Egoyan, Atom
3. Boogie Nights #344 - Anderson, Paul Thomas
4. Life is Beautiful #493 - Begnini, Roberto
5. Taste of Cherry, A #506 - Kiarostami, Abbas
6. Mononoke-hime (anime) #555 - Miyazaki, Hayao
7. 4 Little Girls #706 - Lee, Spike
8. Good Will Hunting #794 - Van Sant, Gus
9. Hana-Bi #823 - Kitano, Takeshi
10. Titanic #878 - Cameron, James
11. Histoire(s) du cinéma #938 - Godard, Jean-Luc
Best Picture: Titanic
- [ 1998 ] -

2. Big Lebowski, The #378 - Coen, Ethan and Joel
3. Beau Travail #395 - Denis, Claire
4. American History X #423 - Kaye, Tony
5. Rushmore #539 - Anderson, Wes
6. Shakespeare in Love #563 - Madden, John
7. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels #672 - Ritchie, Guy
8. Truman Show, The #688 - Weir, Peter
9. Thin Red Line, The #780 - Malick, Terrence
10. 42 Up #865 - Apted, Michael
11. Happiness #869 - Solondz, Todd
12. Flowers of Shanghai #902 - Hou Hsiao-Hsien
Best Picture: Shakespeare in Love
- [ 1999 ] -
1. American Beauty #139 - Mendes, Sam

3. Fight Club #271 - Fincher, David
4. All About My Mother #284 - Almodóvar, Pedro
5. Being John Malkovich #402 - Jonze, Spike
6. Wind Will Carry Us, The #511 - Kiarostami, Abbas
7. Green Mile, The #529 - Darabont, Frank
8. Magnolia #576 - Anderson, Paul Thomas
9. Sixth Sense, The #577 - Shyamalan, M. Knight
10. My Voyage to Italy #652 - Scorsese, Martin
11. Topsy-Turvy #662 - Leigh, Mike
12. Straight Story, The #746 - Lynch, David
13. Toy Story 2 #792 - Lasseter, John & Brannon, Ash
14. Boys Don't Cry #881 - Pierce, Kimberly
Best Picture: American Beauty
Top Ranked for the Decade
1. Pulp Fiction #20 - Tarantino, Quentin
2. Schindler's List #27 - Spielberg, Steven
3. Goodfellas #31 - Scorsese, Martin
4. L.A. Confidential #45 - Hanson, Curtis
5. Fargo #61 - Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen
6. Piano, The #81 - Campion, Jane
7. Toy Story #82 - Lasseter, John
8. Silence of the Lambs, The #90 - Demme, Jonathan
9. Unforgiven #91 - Eastwood, Clint
10. Casino #115 - Scorsese, Martin
11. Saving Private Ryan #116 - Spielberg, Steven
12. American Beauty #139 - Mendes, Sam
13. Shawshank Redemption, The #155 - Darabont, Frank
14. Usual Suspects, The #169 - Singer, Bryan
15. Groundhog Day #182 - Ramis, Harold
Unranked Best Pictures: Dances With Wolves (are you kidding, with Titanic getting ranked, albeit 878th)
My Favorites
1- Shawshank Redemption, 2-Shakespeare in Love, 3-Silence of the Lambs, 4-Schindler’s List, 5-Groundhog Day, 6-The Player, 7-Dances With Wolves, 8-Goodfellas, 9-Chungking Express, 10-The Grifters, 11-Fargo, 12-American History X, 13-Terminator 2, 14-Pulp Fiction, 15-L.A. Confidential, 16-JFK, 17-The Sweet Hereafter, 18-Toy Story, 19-Saving Private Ryan, 20-The Matrix, 21-Being John Malkovich, 22-Usual Suspects, 23-Unforgiven, 24-Fight Club, 25-12 Monkeys