[Updated: 8.28.09*]

Almodóvar, Pedro: All About My Mother (1999) Spain-France
Altman, Robert: Nashville (1975) US – My pick: McCabe and Mrs. Miller
Anderson, Paul Thomas: Boogie Nights (1997)*
Angelopoulos, Theo: The Travelling Players (1975) Greece
Antonioni, Michelangelo: L’Avventura (1960) Italy-France
Aronofsky, Darren: Requiem for a Dream (2000) US - many prefer Pi, not me
Ashby, Hal: Harold and Maude (1972)US
Attenborough, Richard: Gandhi (1982) UK - worth the two decades he spent
Beatty, Warren: Reds (1981) US
Beresford, Bruce: Driving Miss Daisy (1989) US - many prefer Breaker Morant
Bergman, Ingmar: Persona (1966) Sweden
Bertolucci, Bernardo: The Conformist (1969) Italy-France-Germany
Bogdanovich, Peter: The Last Picture Show (1971) US
Bondarchuk, Sergei: War and Peace (1968) Russia
Boyle, Danny: Trainspotting (1995) UK – mine: Slumdog Millionaire
Bresson, Robert: Au hasard Balthazar (1966) France
Brest, Martin: Midnight Run (1988) US – good, but I like Going in Style
Brooks, Mel: The Producers (1968) US
Buñuel, Luis: Viridiana (1961) Spain – I prefer The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeousie
Burton, Tim: Edward Scissorhands (1990) - I like Big Fish better
Cameron, James: The Terminator (1984) US – I like Aliens and Terminator 2
Camus, Marcel: Black Orpheus (1959) Brazil-France
Capra, Frank: It's a Wonderful Life (1946) US – I prefer Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Carné, Marcel: Les Enfants du paradis (1945) France
Cassavetes, John: A Woman Under the Influence (1974) US
Cavani, Liliana: The Night Porter (1973) Italy
Chaplin, Charles: City Lights (1931) US – I guess I’d pick Modern Times
Chen Kaige: Farewell, My Concubine (1993) Hong Kong-China
Cimino, Michael: The Deer Hunter (1978) US – he did another film?
Clément, René: Forbidden Games (1951) France
Clouzot, Henri-Georges: The Wages of Fear (1952) France-Italy
Cocteau, Jean: La Belle et la bête (1946) France
Cooper, Merian C./Ernest B. Schoedsack: King Kong (1933) US - admirable effects, stupid story
Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen: Fargo (1995) US – close, I’ll go with Raising Arizona

Cukor, George: The Philadelphia Story (1940) US – close, I’ll take My Fair Lady
Curtiz, Michael: Casablanca (1942) US
Darabont, Frank: The Shawshank Redemption (1994) US
De Palma, Brian: Carrie (1976) US
De Sica, Vittorio: Bicycle Thieves (1948) Italy
Demme, Jonathan: The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Deren, Maya: Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) US
Dieterle, William: Portrait of Jennie (1948) US
Donen, Stanley/Gene Kelly: Singin' in the Rain (1952) US
Dovzhenko, Alexander: Earth (1930) Russia
Dreyer, Carl: The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) France
Eastwood, Clint: Unforgiven (1992) US – Good, but I prefer Mystic River
Egoyan, Atom: The Sweet Hereafter (1997) Canada
Eisenstein, Sergei: Battleship Potemkin (1925) Russia
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner: Ali - Fear Eats the Soul (1974) Germany
Fellini, Federico: 8½ (1963) Italy
Fincher, David: Fight Club (1997) US - I still prefer The Game
Flaherty, Robert: Nanook of the North (1922) US
Fleming, Victor: Gone with the Wind (1939) US – gimme the giant girl in Wizard of Oz
Ford, John: The Searchers (1956) US – argh, I’ll take Mister Roberts
Forman, Milos: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) US – I like Amadeus
Fosse, Bob: Cabaret (1972) US – I think All That Jazz was more interesting
Frankenheimer, John: The Manchurian Candidate (1962) - my pick: The Train
Frears, Stephen: Dangerious Liaisons (1988) US
Friedkin, William: The Exorcist (1973) US – yuck, French Connection is far better
Gance, Abel: Napoléon (silent, 1927) France

Godard, Jean-Luc: Breathless (1959) France
Griffith, D.W.: Intolerance (1916) US
Hallström, Lasse: My Life as a Dog (1985) Sweden
Hamer, Robert: Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) UK
Hawks, Howard: Rio Bravo (1959) US – r.u. kidding? His Girl Friday
Herzog, Werner: Aguirre - The Wrath of God (1972) Germany – I like Fitzcarraldo
Hitchcock, Alfred: Vertigo (1958) US
Howard, Ron: A Beautiful Mind (2003) US - my pick: Parenthood
Hughes, John: Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) US
Huston, John: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) US - mine: The Maltese Falcon (42)* (photo bottom)
Ivory, James: A Room With a View (1986) US
Jackson, Peter: The Lord of the Rings (trilogy, 2001) US-New Zealand
Jewison, Norman: In the Heat of the Night (1967) US
Kaufman, Philip: The Right Stuff (1983) US

Keaton, Buster/Clyde Bruckman: The General (1926) US
Kiarostami, Abbas: Close-Up (1989) Iran
Kieslowski, Krszystof: Dekalog (Decalogue, 1988) Poland
Kubrick, Stanley: 2001 - A Space Odyssey (1968) UK
Kurosawa, Akira: The Seven Samurai (1954) Japan
Lang, Fritz: M (1931) Germany
Laughton, Charles: Night of the Hunter (1955) UK - his only film as director
Lean, David: Lawrence of Arabia (1962) UK
Lee, Ang: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2002) China-Taiwan-US - he's underrated
Lee, Spike: Do the Right Thing (1989) US
Leone, Sergio: Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) Italy-US – I much prefer Once Upon a Time in America, the long version
LeRoy, Mervyn: Goldiggers of 1933 (1933)
Lester, Richard: A Hard Day's Night (1964) UK
Levinson, Barry: Diner (1982) US
Losey, Joseph: The Servant (1963) UK
Lubitsch, Ernst: To Be or Not to Be (1942) US – give me Trouble in Paradise
Lucas, George: Star Wars (1977) US
Lumet, Sidney: Network (1976) US
Lynch, David: Blue Velvet (1986) US

Malick, Terrence: Days of Heaven (1978) US
Malle, Louis: Lacombe, Lucien (1974) France – my pick: Atlantic City
Mankiewicz, Joseph L.: All About Eve (1950) US
Marker, Chris: La Jetée (1962) France
Mazursky, Paul: Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice (1969) US - never liked this, loved Enemies-A Love Story
McCarey, Leo: Duck Soup (1933) US
McLeod, Norman Z.: It's a Gift (1934) US
Meirelles, Fernando: City of God (2002) Brazil-Germany-France
Mendes, Sam: An American Beauty (1999) I like 2008's Revolutionary Road
Milestone, Lewis: All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) US
Miller, George: The Road Warrior (aka Mad Max 2) (1981) Australia
Minghella, Anthony: The English Patient (1996) US
Minnelli, Vincente: The Band Wagon (1953) US – I like Meet Me in St. Louis
Mizoguchi, Kenji: Ugetsu monogatari (1953) Japan
Morris, Errol: The Thin Blue Line (1988) US - I prefer the pure documentary Fast, Cheap and Out of Control
Mulligan, Robert: To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) US
Murnau, F.W.: Sunrise (silent, 1927) US *Best Silent*
Nair, Mira: Salaam Bombay! (1988) India

Nolan, Christopher: Memento (2000) US
Ophüls, Max: Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948) US
Ozu, Yasujiro: Tokyo Story (1953) Japan
Pabst, G.W.: Pandora's Box (silent, 1928) Germany
Pakula, Alan J.: All the President's Men (1976) US
Pasolini, Pier Paolo: The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964) France-Italy
Peckinpah, Sam: The Wild Bunch (1969) US
Penn, Arthur: Bonnie and Clyde (1967) US
Pennebaker, D.A.: Don't Look Back (1967) US
Polanski, Roman: Chinatown (1974) US
Pollack, Sydney: Tootsie (1982) US

Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger: A Matter of Life and Death (1946) UK – I think I prefer The Red Shoes, and A Canterbury Tale
Rafelson, Bob: Five Easy Pieces (1970) US
Ramis, Harold: Groundhog Day (1993) US
Ray, Nicholas: Johnny Guitar (1954) US – easily In a Lonely Place
Ray, Satyajit: Pather Panchali (1955) India
Reed, Carol: The Third Man (1949) UK – I actually prefer Outcast of the Islands
Reiner, Rob: This Is Spinal Tap (1984) – my pick: When Harry Met Sally
Reisz, Karel: Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960) - I love Morgan!
Renoir, Jean: The Rules of the Game (1939) France – like many others, I prefer La Grande Illusion; they’re close in the poll
Resnais, Alain: Last Year at Marienbad (1961) France-Italy – not a big fan, but Hiroshima, Mon Amour over this
Richardson, Tony: Tom Jones (1963) UK
Riefenstahl, Leni: Triumph of the Will (1935) Germany (Nazi)
Ritt, Martin: Hud (1963) US - although Norma Rae is more inspirational
Rivette, Jacques: Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974) France
Roeg, Nicolas: Don't Look Now (1973) UK – I vastly prefer Walkabout, even Performance
Roehmer, Eric: My Night at Maud's (1969) France
Rossellini, Roberto: Voyage in Italy (1953) Italy
Rossen, Robert: The Hustler (1961) US
Salles, Walter: Central Station (1998) Brazil-France - a tossup, or: The Motorcycle Diaries
Sandrich, Mark: Top Hat (1935) US - I prefer the hilarious The Gay Divorcee
Sayles, John: Lone Star (1995) US
Schlesinger, John: Midnight Cowboy (1969) US
Scorsese, Martin: Raging Bull (1980) US – right, but Taxi Driver is close
Scott, Ridley: Blade Runner (1982) US – yes, but Gladiator is close
Sharpsteen, Ben: Fantasia (1940) US
Siegel, Don: Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) US
Singer, Bryan: The Usual Suspects (1995) US
Sirk, Douglas: Written on the Wind (1956) US
Sjöström, Victor: The Wind (1928) US
Spielberg, Steven: Jaws (1975) US – over E.T., Close Encounters, Schindler’s List? I even liked Minority Report, Raiders/Lost Ark, Pvt. Ryan more..
Stanton, Andrew: Wall-E (2008) US - not listed yet, I added him for this and Finding Nemo
Stevens, George: Shane (1953) US
Stone, Oliver: JFK (1991) US - me and Oscar prefer Platoon
Sturges, John: The Magnificent Seven (1960) US
Sturges, Preston: The Lady Eve (1941) US
Szabó, István: Mephisto (1981) Hungary
Tarantino, Quentin: Pulp Fiction (1994) US – inspired by Wong Kar-Wai

Tati, Jacques: Playtime (1967) France
Tornatore, Giuseppe: Cinema Paradiso (1988) Italy-France
Tourneur, Jacques: Out of the Past (1947) US
Truffaut, François: Jules et Jim (1961) France
Vidor, King: The Crowd (1928) US
Vigo, Jean: L’Atalante (1934) France
Visconti, Luchino: The Leopard (1963) Italy – not a fan of this, give me Death in Venice
von Sternberg, Josef: The Blue Angel (1930) Germany
von Stroheim, Erich: Greed (1924) US
von Trier, Lars: Breaking the Waves (1996) Denmark-Sweden
Wajda, Andrzej: Ashes and Diamonds (1958) Poland
Washowski Brothers, Andy and Larry: The Matrix (1999)*
Weir, Peter: Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975) Australia – I like Fearless, many like Witness
Welles, Orson: Citizen Kane (1941) US
Wertmuller, Lina: Seven Beauties (1976) Italy - first woman director nominated for best directing Oscar®

Wise, Robert: West Side Story (1960) US - co-dir w Jerome Robbins
Wong Kar-Wai: Chungking Express (1994) Hong Kong – and the sequel Fallen Angels
Wyler, William: The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) US
Zemeckis, Robert: Back to the Future (1985) US
Zhang Yimou: Raise the Red Lantern (1991) Hong Kong – my pick: Hero, one of my favorite films, China’s top grossing
Zinnemann, Fred: High Noon (1952)US
Note: Currently at 182, I intend to add to this list until I have at least 200 directors