The little indie film that nearly went straight to dvd won yet another best of the year award on Feb. 1 - thanks to Fox Searchlight, the popular and uplifting film actually got distributed worldwide.
Director: Danny Boyle for Slumdog Millionaire
Documentary: Ari Folman for Waltz With Bashir
Honorary Lifetime Membership: film critic Roger Ebert
TV Drama Series: Dan Attias for The Wire
TV Film: Jay Roach for Recount (dir. of Austin Powers and Meet the Parents)
TV Comedy or Musical Series: Paul Feig for The Office
Reality Programming: Tony Kroll for America’s Next Top Model
Children’s: Amy Schatz for The Poetry Show
Normally the winner of the DGA award for director wins the Oscar – it only differed six times, ironically each time the DGA really had the better one, I thought